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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Its time to say goodbye...

Thank you so much for following my blog over the last 7 years. However, this will be my last entry as my job as Head Gardener at Spetchley Park has come to an end. I have loved keeping you up to date with the facinating, annoying, funny and challenging incidents that have happened at Spetchley and hope that the entries have inspired you to take time out to visit the gardens when they open next season.

I will miss living in the gardens, seeing the early morning mist across the lake, going out in the winter snow to look for animal tracks, spotting the first snowdrops of spring, watching the fantastic collection of paeonies and roses as they open across the summer, and enjoying the late season colour of the acers, liquidamber and liriodendron (tulip tree) as they change into their autumn colour.

Many thanks for all your support over the 13 years that I have worked at Spetchley and I look forward to maybe meeting up with you again as I start out on new adventures.

Kate Portman


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you're leaving, Kate. Spetchley's loss. I shan't visit again.

John Cannell said...

So disappointing to hear the news. Thank you so much for all your help over the years and the welcome I have received every time I have come. As far as I am concerned you will leave a big gap in the Spetchley experience.

Anonymous said...

Kate's departure is a sad day in the life of the gardens. Shame on all of you involved in this.

yahoo said...

Good memories of eating sandwiches in your cottage, and being shown the room full of plant labels! Very sorry to hear of your problems, but everyone at Warley Place is very grateful for your interest in, and support of, our work there. Best wishes for your new venture from Michael Leach

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