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Friday 31 July 2009

August Tasks

August tasks
Make sure you arrange for someone to pop in and water the greenhouse and veg plot if you are off on holiday. They will also need to keep an eye on any veg that needs picking, such as runner beans.
Check tree ties and stakes for rubbing or constriction.
keep working with the hoe when the weather is warm enough.
Start taking semi ripe cuttings of fuchsias, penstemon, pelargonium, salvia etc
Watch for the fungal infection rust on hollyhocks, pelargoniums etc. Remove affected foliage and spray with a fungicide.
Keep picking those sweet peas and remove seed pods if they form.
Continue to dead-head spent flowers, especially those of summer bedding, hanging baskets and any remaining late flowering roses.
Start cutting hedges towards the end of the month
Listen to the weather forcast and water greenhouses and pots accordingly.
Start collecting seed.

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