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Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Winter in the Gardens

Well, I started November with the nastiest of colds, and have continued snuffling throughout the month. It is the season to be cold and poorly. The garden however has really benefited from the chilly weather, with a couple of sharp frosts causing the demise of many unwanted pests. (This month's picture is of a fern in the Fountain Beds, covered in frost.)

The garden is still looking bright although most of the leaves are off the trees now. There are little pockets of colour still showing with berries and seeds. One of my favourites is the Callicarpa Profusion, with its vibrant purple berries.

In my June and July diaries I mentioned the problem with rabbits we've had in the kitchen garden. After trying to be really vigilant about shutting gates etc. with little success, we've found the reason... an enormous excavation within Miss Berkeley's flower patch, that had gone unnoticed until she started lifting dahlias and cannas last week. It appears that rabbits have tried to take up residence, with a buffet breakfast by the front door every morning.

Last month also saw the retirement of Dennis, our Kitchen Gardener, who worked at Spetchley for almost 20 years, after retiring from a job in engineering. We will really miss him, but he has promised to continue to mend any broken tools we can drop by as he has always done in the past!

We are still having the fun of being filmed by Halo Films, who have just started to film the preparations for the Illuminated Trail. They are getting to the end of the 25 programmes now, but apparently DVD sets of the series will be available next year.

We have started a lot of the background preparation for the Trail, and the more time consuming pruning has already been done, including putting up protective barriers around the lake. The electricians have installed the lighting and the gardeners will be preparing the grotto for the arrival of Father Christmas.

See you all at the Illuminated Trail!

Tasks for December

Wash and store seed trays and pots ready for next year.

Keep off the grass when frosty or wet.

Now is a good time to prune back roses that are likely to be affected by the wind.

Keep an eye on the weather and keep greenhouse heaters on when the temperature dips.

Lift and store dahlias and cannas once the foliage has been frosted.
(You can lift half from each clump and cover the remaining tubers with leafmould. This will give a longer flowering season next year).

Rake up fallen leaves and store them in a pile to rot down into leafmould.
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