As I write this month's missive, looking out over the tearoom lawn, the chairs and tables are out and it's a lovely sunny afternoon. There is a fine show of crocus all down the Long Walk, the last of the snowdrops are still flowering, early cyclamen
are out and the daffodils are starting to push their flower buds up amongst their leaves, promising a fantastic show in two or three weeks. Spring has arrived at last. Now that the alterations and improvements to the tearooms are complete there is an L shaped serving counter and a new, separate food preparation area. The extended seating area is bright and spacious, and there is local produce on sale.
It has been a little chaotic in the gardens for the past few weeks as we have been running the gardens with half the usual number of staff.
What with sickness and staff turnover it was a tricky few weeks. We are, however getting back on track as we have now been joined by our new gardener, another Richard, who has previously worked for garden maintenence companies. This is his first time in an historic garden and he says that he is already learning new skills.
We also have three ladies who have just taken on the shared role of Gatekeeper. So it will be Claire, Joan or Sue who will meet and greet you when you visit. Apart from sellng entry tickets to the gardens, the Gatekeeper will also be selling season tickets, tickets to Spetchley Garden events when appropriate, and plants that are surplus to requirements from the gardens. (We have some lovely crocus for sale at the moment!)